A Professional Website Design Company
Joint Caring Event 2024 – Happy Bags Delivery to Elderly (2nd)

Dear Members,


Our Federation (HKFEMC) and ACRA (香港空調及冷凍商會) are being jointly organized a caring event “Happy Bags Delivery to Elderly (開心福袋贈長者)” , the 1st round of the event was held successfully on 14 Sept 2024 and delivered 100 happy bags containing 5 kilograms of rice to 100 elderly.


The 2nd round of the event is coming soon on 11 January 2025, we would like to invite members to participate this meaningful event as sponsors, extending your care to our respected elderly, it is just simply to take action by donation of $1,000, or $500 for those who were the sponsors of the 1st round, and of course, volunteers are welcome to join this caring activity.  Enclosed please find the below ACRA's Circular and a flyer as attached for your kind attention.  Would you kindly complete the Reply Slip and return to ACRA via email (arischiu@acra.org.hk) latest by 11 December 2024.


By the way, if your company would like to apply for a Caring Company Logo 2024/2025 「商界展關懷」標誌 from The Hong Kong Council of Social Service (香港社會服務聯會), and you did contribute a sponsorship fee of $3,000 to「開心社區服務」and paid $1,000 for the 1st round of event on 14 Sept, then 「開心社區服務」as a nominator will recommend you as a Caring Company for 2024/2025.


Looking forward to having your generous support and participation in the event !